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Border Security & Streamlined Legal Citizenship Pathway

We not only need a viable pathway to Legal Immigration to

US Citizenship, but it would greatly benefit us as a nation.

The Pass of the North, as it has been known for over 400 years in not a new phenomenon.  It has been there before the founding of our nation.  I learned this as a child and was taught to accept all people as human beings.  Having been born in El Paso, Texas and growing up in this Border city, I experienced firsthand, the blending of people and cultures.  El Paso has always been a sister city to Cuidad Juarez, Mexico.  In the past, people on both sides travelled across the border daily without incident to do business, shop, and visit with family on either side. There were always problems with immigration, without much effort to improve the system, but nothing as hateful as what we see today on the FAR RIGHT.  

We need to remove the obstacles for decent people to apply for citizenship and have a far better system to perform due diligence and approve or deny an application in a practical timeframe so people can move forward for a better life. Bigotry is a tired old tradition and needs to be a part of our past until it no longer affects anyone again.  

We need to begin to recognize that we have an obligation and an opportunity to learn to help our neighboring countries.  We can do so by building stronger relationships through communication, cooperation, and commerce.  We can help struggling nations build on their greatest resources, their citizen and their hopes and dreams for a better world to live in.  We are all human beings who have families who love us.  Deep down, all people have experienced trauma and want to heal and enjoy happiness in their lifetime.  None of us are alone in this dream.  We need to put forth the ideas of democracy and freedom around the world, especially close to home.  We can make a better world for future generations to thrive in if we begin to meet this moment every day.

We should endeavor to help our closest neighbors to be our friends, not view them as our enemies. Let's work together, side by side, to build abundance and longevity for all. There will come a day when we all will need to draw upon all our strength as one and defend as though our very existence depends upon it, because it will.   Be it Climate Change, or Artificial Intelligence, or something yet unknown or not considered, that day will come.  Today, it is the constant threat of dehumanization from within our fellow human beings, tomorrow it could be from something we've never imagined.  

Authoritarians and tyrants are on the rise across the world and within our own nation, trying to stamp out progress and drag us backward into darkness of ignorance and self-hatred.  We must not allow them to ever take control, whether through the brainwashing and worship of a Cult of Personality, or by any other means.  We must be our best defenders against this evil and hatred.  It's everywhere and it is built on lies, hypocritical to its core.  There are still more peace loving people who haven't been indoctrinated by hatred and self-loathing, than those who have descended to their worst fears and capabilities.  There are still more who want the healing of trauma and will never accept that it isn't possible.  Together we can stand, divided we can fall.  Let those of us who want to heal come together as one and stop this downward spiral into Authoritarianism and destruction.  

Paid for by the Committee to Elect
RockAthena Brittain for Congress
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