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Climate Change - Drought & Famine

It's Getting Hotter and Drier Everywhere You Turn,

All Over The World.

Look all over the world at the largest rivers and waterways and witness the ongoing drought that has caused these rivers to lose more and more water every day.  Look at the Yangtze River in China, the Po in Italy, the Danube and the Rhine in Europe, the Nile River in Egypt, the Volga in Russia, the Mississippi river in the US, and so many more across the world.  Look at the record low levels at Lake Mead here at home.  It's not all a coincidence, it's the planet getting hotter, faster.  

From uncontrollable wildfires all over the world, to our melting Ice Shelves of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, to the Atmospheric Rivers causing catastrophic rainfall and flooding in places not seen before, to the rising ocean temperatures of an all time high of 101 degrees Fahrenheit last year off the coast of Florida, to passing the 1.5 degree Celcius climate threshold above pre-industrial temperatures, our planet is heating up and it could be our end on this planet.  

In 2023, the state of Arizona has put a limit on the construction of new homes in the Phoenix region, the state capital, with a population of 4.6 million people.  They are now taking Climate Change into greater account than ever before because they rely largely on ground water reserves, only receiving a 3rd of their water from the Colorado River.   You may remember in early 2023, when the unincorporated community with nearly 2000 homes, Rio Verde Foothills, was cut off from the water supply of the neighboring City of Scottsdale.  Residents there are now forced to pay even more for water to be hauled in by tanker trucks and collect whatever rainfall might come in between.  

If you doubt the science and want to see for yourself, you have to look no further than our Southern neighbors in Mexico.  Mexico City, a Global City of 22 million people is running out of water and won't have fresh water for their population in a matter of month from now.  These are life ending scenarios for more people than one can possibly imagine.  With drought, comes famine.  We are looking at a human tragedy on an epic scale right before our eyes.  It won't stop there, Global Climate Change is needed now and from now on.  Do your part and help change this before it's too late.  It will come for everyone eventually.


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RockAthena Brittain for Congress
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