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Reproductive Freedom

The Push to Destroy Reproductive Freedom & Health Care,

Even At The Risk Of Life To The Mother Must Be Stopped

The GOP House Republicans want to create a White Christian Nationalist Theocracy and have their idea of the Church run every aspect of the government.  They want run this deadly ideology into every corner of our lives, from the boardroom to the bedroom.  There will no longer be any safe place to Act, Speak, or Think as a free American ever again if they win the Presidency.  

The time is now to mobilize and prepare to stop them and their propaganda in our Churches, Schools, Businesses, Media, Hospitals and Doctor's Offices, and our Homes. They have already shown us so many terrifying examples of who they are.  Believe them when they say who they are!  They do not speak in hyperbolic terms.  They aren't hiding it any longer.  They want total control, forever.  

In many red states, they are already trying to roll back the age of consent to marry younger minor children, protections against children by lowering the employment age.  This includes increasing the number of nights (School, Nights Included), along with longer hours for kids to work in their new dystopian world.  This is one of the primary reasons they want forced birth, even at the expense of the life of the mother.  They know deceased or financially struggling mothers will be powerless to stop them once they can take control of women's bodies. 

They want to incarcerate women for making a lifesaving choice if the pregnancy is not viable.  They want forced birth if she is raped and/or the victim of incest.  This is not acceptable and must be stopped from ever becoming the law of the land.  This is not 21st century human intellect and compassion at it's best.  It is the same ignorance and hatred toward women, long held by the men who once wielded control for far too long.  They are obsessed with Women's bodies and controlling them.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect
RockAthena Brittain for Congress
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