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Housing Crisis Created By Private Equity Investors

"‘Swapping homes like stocks"

"Wall Street-backed firm buys 264 valley homes in a day"

Las Vegas Review Journal - January 4, 2024

"Southern Nevada alone had a 16% increase in homelessness from its previous year – in fact the largest counted in a decade."

Nevada Current - January 30, 2024 

"Most homes sold in Las Vegas are ‘unaffordable"

Las Vegas Review Journal - March 13, 2024

"Lombardo defends eviction bill veto"

"Governor says it was time for people to stop relying on government help" News13 - April 3, 2024

"Nevada No. 1 in the nation for declining mortgage affordability"

Reno Gazette - December 23, 2023

Does this look like we are winning in Nevada? The answer is a resounding NO! 

Nevadans are increasingly more likely to experience "Homelessness" now, more than ever before in history.  Who is to blame and what is causing this downward spiral?  

Call them Institutional Investors, Corporate Landlords, Hedge Funds, or just call them Private Equity.  Just don't call them sympathetic.  They are consuming millions of homes across the nation at a staggering rate every day.  These corporations have one mission and one mission only, to turn every human into a tenant of homes they used to be able to try to own. They believe all of us should be tenants in a nation of renters.   If this is what Capitalism looks like for all of us, I don't want in on it.  It's not only a Republican goal, but that of corporate Democrat - SUSIE LEE.  She is invested deep with Private Equity, both giving and receiving.  She is a Multimillionaire, after all.  

Susie Lee will not stand up for those are already experiencing "Homelessness", or those who face it sooner, than later.  Housing needs to be a Universal Right, an American Civil Right.  Wen need to abolish corporate ownership of residential real estate altogether on a Federal level or we will never own a home again.  These corporations only grow stronger and more powerful each day with their increased portfolios and more profitable at the same time.  

Susie Lee OWNS many residential rental properties in Nevada herself, so she fits right in with the rest of them. found 305 assets totaling $12,405,312 to $35,712,000 in 2018 for Susie Lee, including a significant amount of investment in Private Equity Firms. has Susie Lee's wealth and estimated net worth at $23,918,654 in 2018, before she was even in congress. You can only imagine where those numbers must be today.  

Why is she in Congress?  Who is she serving? Is she serving you, or the almighty dollar? She is beholden to her Corporate Masters and completely compromised in their favor.  

It's time for a Representative who knows what it's like to be "Homeless" with an entire family to care for to serve in Congress and fight to take back our ability to survive and prosper in Nevada. Stop Millionaires and Billionaires from taking our homes away from us. We need to introduce legislation to remove discriminating lending standards and practices used against Nevadans to deprive us of our American Dream of owning our own homes, creating generational wealth to pass on to our children and beyond.  Nevadans deserve to have all economic biases removed to clear a path to home ownership. If you can afford to pay rent to someone, you can certainly afford to own that home.  You are already paying their Mortgage, Property Taxes, Maintenance and Repairs, Insurance, as well as a PROFIT to someone who keeps the equity for themselves.  You only receive more rent increases as a reward.  You build their credit worthiness at the expense of your own.  RENT CONTROL legislation is needed on a federal level now!

Paid for by the Committee to Elect
RockAthena Brittain for Congress
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